As the COVID-19 pandemic tears across the world we are all worried about the future. COVID-19 and its ripple effects are affecting everyone especially communities that are vulnerable. People Thrust is committed to helping those vulnerable communities during these tough times while staying home and practicing social distancing. These communities are in the US and Mexico.
Most people don’t have the privileges & resources we have. If you think it's raining, it’s pouring for other communities. Let’s be empathetic!
— Natalia, Director of Social Impact & Culture
People Thrust cares about making a difference. It is important to acknowledge that one single person may not be able to help everybody, but everybody can help one person.
— Susana, Sr. Recruiter
People Thrust cares about its employees well being & mental health by ensuring the safety of their job during the outbreak while having a positive impact on society.
— Jesus, Director of Talent Sourcing
Challenges can bring us together or amplify our differences. As COVID19 requires us to be socially distant, we are at a critical time to come together as People for the ones in greater need.
— Juan, CEO