Hector B.

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Hector B.

Professional Summary

Full-stack developer with 5 years of experience. I specialize in the JavaScript ecosystem, working both with React in the front-end, and Node/NestJS on the back-end. My experience in both Healthcare and Logistics has prepared me with the necessary experience and skills to work in all parts of the software development process.

Skills, Tools & Frameworks

Operating Systems: Windows, Linux
Programming Languages: Javascript, Python
System Architectures: MVC
Libraries & Frameworks: React, NestJS, NodeJS, Google Cloud Functions
Analytics & Reporting Tools:
Databases: MySQL
DevOps: NGINX, Docker, GCP, Kubernetes
Methodologies: Agile, Waterfall
Version Management: Git
Quality Assurance: Unit Testing, Jest
Packaged Software & Tools: Visual Studio Code, DBeaver, Postman
Lead/Management Skills: Work with team to divide, prioritize and estimate features.

Position (Role)

Full Stack Software Developer

Professional Experience

Software Developer, NicheAim – Mar 2021 to Current 

Activities & Accomplishments: 

  • Develop features for healthcare focused applications, working both in front-end with React and back-end with NestJS. 
  • Integrate the SMART On FHIR standard into our systems. 
  • Integrate Keycloak and the OpenId Connect and OAuth2 standard into our systems. ● Integrate our applications with external FHIR-enabled EHRs(EPIC) 
  • Develop Cloud Functions in Python to enhance the main application features and integrate with external systems. 
  • Create SQL queries and views to provide information for dashboards. 
  • Optimize SQL queries to improve performance 
  • Maintain legacy applications in PHP and older versions of React. 


JavaScript, Typescript, React, NodeJS, NestJS, MySQL, Google Cloud Console, Rancher 

Junior Software Developer, DHL Supply Chain – Jun 2018 to Mar 2021 

Activities & Accomplishments

  • Develop applications for use of the operations team. 
  • Manage whole development process, including requirement analysis, development, deployment, maintenance, documentation and user training across the different teams(Engineering, Operations and Management) 
  • Developed application for keeping track of materials. 
  • Developed application for managing employee time. 
  • Developed several applications for data capture 
  • Digitized manual processes into application for capturing photographic evidence of materials. 

Tools & Frameworks

JavaScript, Python, Laravel, PHP, Django, Linux, NGINX, MySQL


Computer Science, UVEG, 2020-Current 

Computer Science, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, 2018-2020(Changed college to UVEG) 

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