Francisco P.

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Francisco P.

Professional Summary

I’m a 3D modeling & digital animation enthusiast, always looking for exploding code limits with the best and latest tendencies on digital design. 

My objective is to apply my knowledge on development and web design which I have got during my more than 10 years working on system’s development, backend & frontend development and UX & UI design on digital projects that look forward to effectively integrating engineering with design. 

Skills, Tools & Frameworks

Operating Systems: Linux (Ubuntu, Debian), MacOS, Windows 

Programming Languages: PHP, Java, Javascript, SQL, Python 

Libraries & Frameworks: Laravel, React JS, jQuery, Vue.js, Next.js, Bootstrap, Materialize CSS, Material UI, Human Interface Guidelines 

Analytics & Reporting Tools: Google Analytics 

Databases: MySql 

DevOps: GitHub, Bitbucket, Jenkins, Maven, Vagrant, Jira, Trello 

Methodologies: Scrum, Design Thinking 

Version Management: Git, SVN 

Packaged Software & Tools: npm, yarn 

Other: Adobe Suite (XD, Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects), Figma, InVision, Balsamiq,, Zeplin, UX Pin

Position (Role)

Developer / UX & UI Designer

Professional Experience

UI / UX Engineer, NicheAim, March 2021 – Now 

  • Understanding of requirements, analysis and creation of user experience as well improvement in the navigability and usability of previous software.
  • Customize clients software to bring new UI / UX solutions.
  • Design of a variety of user interfaces.
  • Planning and design of multiple mobile applications.
  • Creation of prototypes, mockups, demonstration videos of the different projects.
  • Creation and maintenance of multiple design systems

Tools: Ux Pin, Figma, Adobe XD, Clipchamp, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, UX / UI 


Senior Backend, JONDO, March 2020 – March 2021 

  • Creation of new components and workflows for its API that communicates with different clients that handle some type of digital printing in the United States.
  • Update and improvement of their customer portal, both the backend developed in PHP and the frontend made in React JS.

Tools: PHP, React JS, CSS, HTML, SVN, jQuery, SQL, Figma, UX / UI 


Senior Frontend, Televisa, Sept. 2016 – March 2020 

Develop Back End applications: 

  • Planning and execution of a customized Laravel based CMS for the publication of content that was consumed through different APIs.
  • Development of new applications in Brightspot, a CMS developed in Java by Perfect Sense for a web environment.
  • Development and maintenance of a WebApp developed in Laravel
  • Development of Front End applications
  • Creation of interfaces, as well as the improvement in the navigability and usability of multiple CMS.
  • Creation of iconography and graphic identity of WebApps.

Tools: UI / UX, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP, Java, jQuery, Vue.js, Next.js, Adobe XD, Scrum, Jira 


Consultant, TV Azteca June 2020 – Aug. 2020 

  • Implementation of software versioning (GIT) for the Brightspot platform (developed in Java) with which they currently publish content to their different portals. 
  • The standardization of the different virtual machines with which the team was working was achieved, which made it possible to take advantage of existing resources and reduce error times. 

Tools: Java, Git, Maven, npm, Scrum, Jira, Trello 


Web Developer, Televisa, Aug 2009 – Jul. 2016 

  • Development of SIR, feeder system for the Google Search Appliance.
  • Developer of the Televisa News, Women and Health sections.
  • Development of applications for Samsung televisions.
  • Development of video channels on Televisa News, Women and Health.
  • Analysis, integration and customization of the SurveyGizmo tool to the channels of the portal

Tools: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP, jQuery, Scrum


Interaction Design, Universidad Iberoamericana, 2020

Electronic and Computer Engineering, Universidad Iberoamericana, 2013 

After Effects, COLMED, 2018

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