Arturo’s great communication skills and over 10 years of experience working in the IT Field as a Fullstack Javascript developer Working with ReactJS, AngularJS and APIs. He is an experienced and results-oriented software developer, familiar with most phases of software engineering practice: requirements specification, architecture definition, object-Oriented analysis and design, construction and testing of applications in several business domains, such as retail, finance, logistics, telecommunications, biotechnology, and Government.
Senior Fullstack JS Developer/Architect
Architecture, mentoring and development of a real-time flight tracking product for an Aerospace company. Among my accomplishments I had a big influence in the creation and improvement of a functional, strategic product for the company.
Operating Systems: Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows 95, Windows Server 2003, Mac OS X, Oracle Enterprise Linux Server, AIX, Solaris, HP-UX, Debian Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu Linux.
Programming Languages: Java, Javascript, HTML, CSS, SQL, Scala, ActionScript, PL/SQL, Bash, Visual Fox Pro.
System Architectures: Client-server, MVC, Layered architecture, N-tier, SOA, Microservices.
Libraries & Frameworks: ReactJS, AngularJS, Backbone.js, Handlebars.js, Bootstrap, jQuery, WebSockets, RequireJS, Ext JS, Jest, Enzyme, Jasmine, Adobe Flex, Robotlegs, BlazeDS, Swagger, Enunciate, Servlets, Swing, SWT, JSP, JSTL, JSF, Facelets,RichFaces, Log4j, Spring Core, Spring MVC, Spring Batch, Spring JDBC, Spring ORM, Apache CXF, Apache Axis2, JAX-RPC, JAX-WS, Struts, Tiles, DWR, JDBC, JPA, Hibernate, EclipseLink, iBatis, DBUnit, Junit, Mockito, PowerMock, ScalaTest.
Analytics & Reporting Tools: Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Jasper Reports, JfreeChart, R Databases: Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB, CouchDB, DB2, Postgres, SQLite, SQL Server, HSQLDB.
DevOps: Amazon EC2, Maven, Ant, Gradle, Jenkins, TeamCity, Nexus, SonarQube, PhantomJS. Methodologies: RUP, SCRUM, Kanban. Version Management: CVS, Git, Subversion. Quality Assurance: Jbehave, Selenium, Postman, SoapUI.
Packaged Software & Tools: Microsoft Office, Google Suite, NodeJS, JIRA, ClearQuest, Jtrac, Mantis, Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, NetBeans, Jdeveloper, IBM VisualAge for Java, GlassFish, IBM WebSphere MQ, ActiveMQ, IBM WebSphere Application Server, Jboss, Jetty, Oracle WebLogic Server, OAS10g, SAP NetWeaver, Tomcat, Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect, Argo UML, Visual Paradigm, Rational Rose, Erwin, IBM WebSphere Business, Modeler Advanced V7.0, IBM Rational Software Architect for WebSphere V. 7.5.3, IBM InfoSphere Data Architect v. 7.5.2, IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer, IBM WebSphere Integration Developer V.7.0, Rational Application Developer 6.0, SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio 7.0, Oracle SOA Suite 11g, Oracle Service Bus 11g, IBM Enterprise Service Bus V7.0, IBM WebSphere Process Server V7.0.
Lead/Management Skills: SCRUM, Kanban.
Other: Knowledge sharing, Mentoring, Documentation.
Computer Engineering- ITAM